Hello, the minimum repayment amount of a credit card is the minimum amount that you must repay before the monthly repayment due date stipulated by the bank. You can not repay in full, but the repayment amount of each installment must be greater than the minimum repayment amount, which is the basic repayment requirement for you to maintain a good credit record. If you can't enjoy the interest-free repayment period by choosing the minimum repayment amount, you will be charged interest on all the consumption in the current period from the bookkeeping date (usually the day after consumption), with a daily interest rate of 0.5 ‰ until you pay it off in full. If all the payable amount of this period is paid off before the due repayment date, you can enjoy the interest-free period of consumption.
You haven't paid for it for two months. There must be an impact. Please repay according to the data given by the staff and the agreed repayment time, otherwise legal means will not be ruled out.
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