If you accidentally lose your credit card, you need to report the loss in time and apply for a replacement card. Generally, there is a charge for reporting the loss of a credit card, and different banks have different regulations. Let me take Bank of Communications as an example.
how much is the replacement fee for Bank of Communications credit card?
Credit card loss reporting fee: 5 yuan/card
1. The loss reporting fee will be charged for the activated card, and the loss reporting fee will be free for the inactive card;
2. Business card, military-supporting theme credit card, rural revitalization theme credit card and standard platinum credit card are free of charge.
Credit card replacement fee:
1. 15 yuan/Card is replaced by ordinary cards, and it is free for inactive cards, official cards, military-themed credit cards and standard platinum credit cards;
2. The range of personality cards replacement card is 15-1 yuan, which is subject to the published price of relevant products.
the loss reporting and card replacement fee will be deducted from the credit card, and the payment can be made according to the bill.
the new card number will change after the Bank of Communications credit card (loss reporting) is replenished, and a new card will be generated after the card is successfully replenished. After the credit card is reported lost successfully, the old card is immediately invalid and cannot be used, but repayment can be supported. If the mobile phone number in the system is no longer used, it is recommended to bring my ID card and credit card to the counter to modify the mobile phone number after reporting the loss, and then reissue the card.
Generally speaking, everyone should take good care of their credit cards to avoid unnecessary troubles caused by their loss. That's all. I hope it will help you.