2. If the available balance is 930 12588, most of it can be handled at the counter, or it may be forcibly cancelled. Can only be optimistic, a small part is the judicial freeze. Available balance does not exist, 99% of the judicial freeze.
The code at the beginning of 3.43 (4343/43 18/04343) is usually frozen for half a year, even for one year (common in Beijing), and it is rare to freeze for several weeks or months.
4.930 14022 This code has been frozen in Beijing so far. Many of them were frozen in Beijing for a year, but many of them were simply restricted from the counter. You can call customer service directly or go to the counter for specific information.
5.h4987 prompts h4987 when calling customer service. This prompt generally represents the loss of a card, but it will also be prompted if it is frozen after the loss is reported.