Credit card billing errors may occur due to the negligence of the merchants, errors of bank staff, fraudulent use of the credit card, etc. After users find an error in their credit card bill, they should contact the card-issuing bank immediately and tell the bank the type and amount of the error. The card-issuing bank will then investigate and correct the bill if it confirms that there is indeed an error. If no error is found, the reason will be explained to the cardholder.
Notes on bank statement of credit card statement
There are two repayment amounts on the credit card statement for the cardholder to choose: full repayment and minimum repayment amount. If there is only an amount owed by card consumption on the bill, the full amount must be repaid before the final payment date. No interest will be charged and the credit record will not be affected (this is the so-called interest-free period). If there is a cash withdrawal transaction on the bill, there is no interest-free period for cash withdrawals. , interest accrual starts immediately.
If you pay the minimum payment before the final payment date, you will be charged interest, which will not affect your credit record; if you fail to pay even the minimum payment before the final payment date, not only interest will be charged, but also late payment fees will be charged. and affect credit history.
Overdue interest: refers to the penalty interest caused by loans overdue, specifically refers to the overdue penalty interest of the lender who fails to rep