Generally speaking, it usually takes about 10 working days from the time the review department receives your application information to the time the credit card review is completed. As for what you said, if it's been almost a month and you still haven't found it, the most likely answer is the credit card specialist responsible for applying for your card. There is no upward submission for you. It is normal that it cannot be entered and reviewed. You are going to a nearby bank online store or a salesperson to handle it. Or the information was incomplete at the time and could not be submitted online. For example, if your mobile phone number was entered incorrectly, the call could not be made. The credit card specialist will usually call to verify first. If you cannot be verified, you will not be able to submit it. Please fill in the information clearly and neatly.
In addition to checking the progress online, you can also check the progress through the Bank of Communications credit card customer service hotline: the hotline number is: 400-800-9888
Tip: The progress of the query is generally displayed. The following types: Approval, Supplementary Information and Rejection.
If the progress shows that your application has been approved, please pay attention to the card sent by Bank of Communications by registered mail;
If the progress shows that you need to supplement relevant information, Please cooperate and follow the prompts to supplement relevant information as soon as possible in order to continue to complete the review;
If the progress query shows that the application information you provided does not meet the Bank of Communications card issuance requirements, the Bank of Communications will also send a return letter Notify you.
Note that if the application fails, it usually takes three months to resubmit the application.