holographic communication mode
Leia display system is expected to make holographic video a reality in 214. Nowadays, Skype has more than 3 million users, and a survey in 212 showed that one fifth of the people in the world often telecommute. For many sci-fi fans, a new technology that they have been expecting for many years will probably become a reality in the next year. This technology is called "remote holographic presentation", which can send your three-dimensional moving image to any destination, making you feel like you are in different occasions. Musion, a British company, uses Pepper's Ghost, which is a technique often used in magic performances. With a flat glass and special light source technology, it produces illusions such as the appearance, disappearance or deformation of objects. At a music festival, Musion has digitally revived rapper Tupac Shakur. However, when it comes to full 3D holographic communication, products from Leia company in Poland are closer to reality. The company's "Leia Display XL" display system uses a laser projector to project images onto a cloud of water vapor, and the generated three-dimensional objects can be observed and manipulated from different angles. Recently, in an IBM survey of 3, researchers, holographic video is widely regarded as a technology that will appear next year.
fecal bacterial therapy
not every emerging scientific achievement is complex and cutting-edge, and not every technology is suitable for discussion at the dinner table. Fecal flora transplantation (FMT), the process of transferring fecal bacteria from healthy people into patients, appeared in 1957. However, it was not until the last decade that fecal flora transplantation was gradually regarded as a simple, safe, low-cost and low-risk therapy, and it could be used to replace high-intensity antibiotics.
When broad-spectrum antibiotics are given to patients, healthy bacteria in their intestines will also be attacked, thus making their intestines more susceptible to infection by other bacteria, such as Clostridium difficile (scientific name: Clostridium difficile). The highly toxic strain of Clostridium difficile appeared as early as 2. At present, in Britain alone, more than 2, people die from this bacterium every year. Fecal flora transplantation can quickly and simply restore the flora in patients' intestines and fight against this bacterial infection. It is reported that 89% of patients have achieved rapid and lasting treatment results.
New research shows that fecal flora transplantation can not only provide treatment for irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, constipation and colon ulcer, but also help to treat the increasing neurological and autoimmune diseases, such as Parkinson's disease. In October this year, fecal flora transplantation therapy has been introduced in the form of tablets, which should be relatively acceptable.
Formula E racing
Formula E racing If you don't think the Formula One Grand Prix is enough, you can pay attention to the Formula E racing that will be held next year. In this racing competition, racers drive electric cars powered by lithium-ion batteries and compete on the circular track in the city center. According to the champion drivers of FIA, the driving experience of these cars is as wonderful as that of fuel cars driven by Hamilton and Vitel. Although the speed of electric racing car is expected to be 155 miles per hour, which is slower than Formula One racing car, this race will attract attention with wonderful street tracks and brightly lit night races. The parking method in the race is different, because the battery will run out of energy after 2 minutes, so the racer will not change the tire, but directly change to another car. It is reported that the first season will be held in Beijing on September 13 next year, and then this event will be held in the streets of Rio de Janeiro, Berlin and Los Angeles, and the final will be held in central London on June 27, 215.
Faster logistics
In this ever-changing era, it is very outdated to wait for the arrival of goods for online shopping for several days. Starting from next year, industry giants like Amazon and eBay will strive to speed up delivery and achieve the same-day arrival, even on weekends. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, put forward the idea of drone delivery. It is said that the goods can be delivered to your door in half an hour. At the same time, he is constantly increasing the number of warehouses and reorganizing the relationship between partners, so that couriers can deliver goods as quickly as possible. There is no doubt that the development of logistics will have a great impact on the traditional store retail industry.
Virgin Galactic's space flight
Although Virgin Galactic's dream of space flight is much delayed than originally planned in 211, Sir richard branson's dream of making money from space is gradually approaching reality. In April this year, Virgin Galactic conducted a test flight. The company whose family belongs to Virgin Group announced in November that it would make its first public flight in New Mexico "sometime in 214", when it will be broadcast live by NBC TV.
Multifunctional Credit Card
According to a recent survey, one fifth of American consumers no longer carry cash. From next year, they may not need to carry so many plastic cards. Coin Company in San Francisco has developed a product with the same size as a credit card, which can collect information such as up to 8 debit cards, credit cards or gift cards. When paying, consumers can swipe their cards as usual, and then press the key to select the required service. What if I lose my Coin card? Don't worry, this card will be synchronized with your smartphone, and when the two are separated, the phone will receive a prompt. In other words, when you leave home (or a shop or restaurant), you won't leave it behind.
Underground Hotel in Shanghai
The underground hotel in tianmashan, Shanghai has an abandoned quarry at the foot of tianmashan Mountain, which is nearly 5 kilometers away from Shanghai, where an extraordinary hotel is gradually taking shape. The five-star hotel built by InterContinental Hotels Group cost 345 million pounds. The hotel has two floors above the 1-meter-high rock wall, and 17 floors below the horizon, including two floors under water. If the construction plan goes smoothly, this hotel will welcome its first guest around the end of 214.
countdown to Mars
It will take almost nine months to complete the journey of nearly 87 million kilometers to Mars. This means that in about 39 weeks, you have to face problems such as cosmic radiation, asteroids and the loss of bones and muscles. However, VASIMR can change all this. VASIMR is the abbreviation of variable specific impulse magnetic plasma rocket. This experimental engine will be tested on the International Space Station in the second half of 214 or early 215. If successful, we will hopefully reach Mars within three months.
simply put, although the current chemical fuel rocket burns a lot of fuel, it can only accelerate for a short time and its speed is relatively low. In contrast, VASIMR only needs a small amount of propellant (plasma), which is heated to a very high temperature (2 million degrees Celsius) by radio waves, and then driven by a magnetic field to produce a very high speed. So we get a steady and continuous acceleration with little fuel.
in theory, the current problem is where the energy for heating plasma comes from. During a short flight near the Earth, solar panels can provide enough energy, but to go to Mars, a much larger energy source is required. This means that we need to build a small and safe nuclear reactor to realize the plan of a trip to Mars.
More transparent shopping
For some people, this means whether factory workers are abused; For others, it's about the impact of human beings on the environment; For most of us, it's just to determine where the food for children is made from. In other words, in the era of globalization, it has become more and more important to know where products are made or grown, and the way to transport them to the market.
A new search engine named "Provenance" is leading this consumption habit change. From chocolate bars to jackets and shoes to knives used by chefs, Provenance will tell you where these products are made, who is the manufacturer and what the exact raw materials are.
Although Provenance contains many vivid stories from farmers, workers, craftsmen, etc., this website is not the only one. From small commodity producers to large multinational enterprises, everyone can cooperate with the website to uncover the mystery in the global commercial network and supply chain, so that consumers can get better choices. On the other hand, it will also encourage enterprises to improve their environmental and social impacts.