Conclusion: Credit card installment is actually not completely free. Although there is no interest, a certain handling fee will be charged. Take China Merchants Bank as an example, the handling fee rate ranges from % to 1.67%, and there are many options for the number of installments, such as 2 installments, 3 installments to 36 installments. The calculation formula of the handling fee per period is the application amount multiplied by the handling fee rate per period. For example, if you apply for 1, yuan and the handling fee rate is .5%, you need to pay 5 yuan for each period, and the total handling fee for 1 periods is 5 yuan. It is worth noting that not all transactions are suitable for installment, such as cash advance, installment payment transactions, real estate transaction fees and late fees, etc., which are not within the scope of installment. For specific rules, please refer to the frequently asked questions about credit card bill installment of China Merchants Bank and the related explanations of repayment methods and charges.