If your card is a savings card that has not been used for a long time, but there is a small balance in the card, for example, less than 300 yuan, then the bank will deduct a small annual management fee (usually 10 yuan/year). Until used up.
If you also have SMS service, it is deducted monthly. All in all, as long as you still have money on your card, the bank will continue to charge you until your card is maxed out, not until you owe money.
When the money is withheld, no transactions for six months (periods vary between banks) are converted into a "sleep card" which cannot be withdrawn or withdrawn, only when you want to use it again , the bank can activate it.
If the period of use does not exceed 2-5 years (the period is different for each bank), these accounts will be automatically liquidated and canceled within the banking system. For most people, the money lost is very small.
So if you have a savings card and there is no money on the card and the account has not been closed, you don't have to worry about owing the bank a lot of money over the years. If your credit card is a credit card, the nature is completely different, so be sure to pay attention.
If the credit card is not canceled, there will be an annual fee. If the annual fee is not paid back in time, it will be overdue. After the expiration, there will be penalty interest. The longer the penalty interest accrues. In addition, personal credit will be affected when repayments are overdue, and credit deterioration will affect the processing of various loans.
Credit card cancellation is divided into card cancellation and account cancellation. When canceling a card, only the card itself is cancelled. The user's information in the bank will not be deleted. If you want to continue to use this bank's credit card in the future, call the bank directly. You can apply for a new card over the phone without submitting any information.
If the credit card is canceled, all information in the bank will be deleted. If the user wants to use the bank's credit card, the user must resubmit the application materials. The bank can only get the credit card after approval. Your application may be rejected by the bank.
When you cancel a credit card, be sure to pay off all credit card debt. At the same time, there cannot be any overpayment on the credit card at the same time. If you overpay on a credit card, the card will not be canceled successfully when the overpayment occurs.
When canceling a credit card, you can directly call the bank's credit card customer service hotline to verify the user information and then cancel. After the card is submitted for cancellation, it cannot be used, otherwise it will not be cancelled. Within 45 days after the cancellation is submitted, the bank will call to confirm the successful cancellation; after the card is successfully canceled, be sure to cut it along the magnetic strip on the back of the old card to prevent the card from being stolen.