"Intelligent repayment" refers to a way in which the credit card holder entrusts the credit card repayment task to a professional institution and the computer system automatically repays it. For those who often forget to return their credit cards or are overdue for other reasons, smart repayment can avoid this situation.
Intelligent repayment can help credit card customers repay in time, reduce the risk of overdue, avoid the generation of extra expenses such as fines and overdue interest, and ensure consumers' good credit records. In addition, smart repayment can make it easier for credit card customers to manage their credit card accounts, saving time and energy.
To use credit card for intelligent repayment, you need to find a reliable third-party payment platform or credit card application software first, then log in to your credit card account and set repayment time, repayment amount and other information. On each repayment date, the system will automatically deduct the repayment amount for repayment. However, you should also pay attention to ensure that there are enough funds in your credit card account for repayment, otherwise there will be overdue interest and fees.