If you want a large credit card, you'd better provide your own economic proof, such as property right certificate and driving license, and then you'd better go to this bank to handle it, and the amount will be higher.
18 to 65 years old, no bad credit record, are two hard conditions for everyone to apply for a credit card. Another important condition for applying for a large credit card is good repayment ability (this is the most obvious difference between ordinary credit cards and large credit cards).
Stable repayment ability is reflected in: stable and excellent work (generally reflected by salary flow, work certificate and labor contract), it is best to have a house in your own name (in this era of high housing prices, a house is a huge wealth), having a non-operating vehicle in your own name is also a plus item (many bank vehicle driving licenses cannot be used as credit card application materials alone), and having deposits or wealth management in banks (especially card-issuing banks) will be very helpful for applying for large credit cards.