Many credit card holders may have this confusion. When they apply to the bank to cancel their cards, they will not be able to cancel the card smoothly because there is a balance in the card. Citizen Mr. Chen encountered such trouble.
Citizen Mr. Chen wants to cancel a credit card. There is still a balance of more than 100 yuan in the card. It is quite difficult to withdraw the money. First of all, the bank requires Mr. Chen to apply for a savings card with the bank, and then the bank will transfer more than 100 yuan to this card. He already had several savings cards in his hand, and he was very reluctant to apply for another savings card in order to get back the more than 100 yuan. The staff of the bank said that if you withdraw the balance and do not want to use this card, you can cancel the card. Mr. Chen thinks this is a complete waste of resources.
Xiaocai understands that transferring credit card balances to debit cards is the main way to handle the balance in the card. Some banks require a debit card from the bank to transfer out, and some banks can provide inter-bank transfers. Transfer service can be transferred to your designated bank and designated debit card. Different banks have different requirements. Another way is that the bank provides counter withdrawal service, so that you can directly get the balance in the card at the counter after canceling the card without having to go through any procedures.
It is understood that transferring the balance after canceling a credit card is not completely free. Some banks will charge a certain fee for this business. CCB's credit card needs to be canceled and a certain handling fee will be charged when the balance in the card is withdrawn through the counter. It is charged at 0.5% of the amount, with a minimum of 2 yuan and a maximum of 50 yuan.
How long does it take to get a refund? The maximum refund time is 45 days. Under normal circumstances, you have to wait 30 or 45 days after canceling the card to get the balance. The difference in transfer-out service is the difference in bank arrival time. After CCB receives the cancellation application from the bank holder, the bank will refund the credit card while canceling the credit card, and the balance will be transferred to the holder's savings card with CCB. After 45 days, the refund will be transferred to Debit card.
Xiaocai would like to remind everyone:
1. There is a balance in the credit card that needs to be spent or withdrawn. In addition, the credit card cannot be canceled if there is a balance in debt. Before applying for card cancellation In the past, you must confirm that there is no outstanding balance on your credit card. This balance includes not only the account balance, but also the annual fee, etc. If you pay attention to the former and ignore the latter, then the card holder may still have a balance in the card after canceling the card. Therefore, you must ask clearly when canceling the card, and you must not leave a penny of debt.
2. If you confirm that you want to withdraw the balance in your credit card, you must promptly check whether the transfer has been successful to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by unsuccessful transfer of the balance in your credit card.
3. Understand in advance the handling fees for credit card balance transfers of each bank or whether there is over-the-counter withdrawal service, and choose a suitable method to handle the balance in the credit card.
You can't. Postal credit cards cannot be cancelled online. Make sure there is no overpayment in the card before cancellation.
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