Credit cards can always use the minimum repayment. Generally speaking, there are three repayment methods for credit cards, one is full repayment, the second is installment repayment, and the last is minimum repayment. After you make a purchase using a credit card, a personal bill will be generated, which includes the amount due and the minimum repayment limit. For the 3 repayment methods, the first two repayment methods are the bank's default when repaying credit cards. You can choose according to your needs. Of course, different choices will have different interest rates. Generally speaking, if the repayment amount is not exceeded, If you choose to repay in full, you don’t need to pay interest, but if you choose installments, there will be corresponding interest based on the number of repayment periods you choose. The third type, the minimum repayment described in the question, requires application to the bank, and the longer the time, the higher the interest.
Applying for a credit card has the following benefits:
1. Benefits of supplementary card: The supplementary card is a supplementary card to the main credit card and is specially used by the cardholder’s family. The supplementary card enjoys the credit limit of the main card, and all outstanding consumption expenditures of the supplementary card can be repaid directly by the main card. For children studying in other places, parents can give their children supplementary cards, and they can control their children's financial expenses through card management.
2. Benefits of points: In order to encourage cardholders to spend more by swiping their cards, banks have set up a point-earning service for swiping their cards. The points earned can be exchanged for exquisite gifts, including daily necessities, home appliances, computer accessories, etc. Most banks have cooperation with airlines, and the points can also be exchanged for airline miles.