You can't pay it back slowly, and don't think about the bank losing money. Nowadays, credit cards are becoming more and more popular, which leads many people to become card slaves. Interesting comment He once became a slave when he just graduated from college.
First of all, the credit card owes 200,000 yuan, and it can't be paid for the time being. It doesn't mean that it can't be paid forever. Negotiate a reliable repayment plan with the bank; Secondly, ask for help from relatives and friends around you; Finally, it is difficult to pay off the money owed to the bank, and the consequences are very serious.
Generally speaking, the minimum repayment amount of a credit card is 10%. Therefore, you only need to borrow 20,000 yuan to tide over the current difficulties. After solving the minimum repayment amount of credit card first, find a serious job quickly and pay back the money slowly according to the minimum repayment amount every month.
Even if you find a job and have 4,000 yuan, leave 1000 to eat and drink, and the remaining 3,000 yuan will be paid back to the credit card, which will be 36,000 yuan a year, and the credit card will be paid back in seven years. People's consumption ability should be determined according to their income ability, not as they please.