When applying for a credit card for the first time, first check if you are 18 years old? Generally, banks do not issue credit cards to students or individuals under 18 years old. If the first condition is met, you should also pay attention to the following:
1. Whether there are flaws in your credit report, don’t show that you still have unpaid loans. If so, it may affect whether you can apply for a credit card;
2. Be prepared. Materials, ID card is a necessary requirement, as well as proof of employment, proof of income, real estate certificate (if any, you also want a higher limit) and mobile phone number for real-name authentication.
3. Fill in the credit card application form. The application form can be picked up at the counter of the corresponding credit card outlet, or downloaded from the credit card website. For banks that open online applications, you can fill it out online. The application form will require individuals to fill in their ID number, mobile phone number, contact person (1-2), workplace, annual income, etc.
4. Submit the application form. For the application form to be picked up at the branch, fill it out, attach the materials you need, and then hand it to the lobby manager of the branch. For online applications, after filling out the application form, you need to upload additional materials (there will be prompts), click Just submit. With the development of the Internet, there are more and more ways to apply. For example, some banks can also apply via WeChat, and the speed is getting faster and faster. Some support instant approval, such as Industrial Bank, China Guangfa Bank credit cards, etc.
In short, the more materials you submit, the more you can prove your repayment ability, the higher the probability of approval, and the higher the limit.
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