If you change your mobile phone number and home address after getting the card, the bank may not be able to contact you. There's nothing I can do about it.
however, don't think that you don't have to pay back the money, and you don't know when the bank will find your contact information. And if the overdue time is longer, you will have to pay more interest. What is even more frightening is that if the overdue amount of nearly 5, yuan exceeds 5, yuan, it may be prosecuted. If it is recognized as a crime of credit card fraud, it will also bear criminal responsibility.
2. The amount owed is very small
If the amount owed is lower than that of 1 yuan, it will be regarded as normal repayment. There are also some arrears that exceed 1 yuan's, and the bank thinks that the amount is not large and ignores it.
but if you keep owing money, it's not good for yourself. The amount of compound interest is likely to increase. Some people still have a few hundred dollars after a few years. Therefore, regardless of the lack of money, don't worry about it, or pay off the arrears as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a record in the credit investigation.