People who rarely use credit cards after purchasing them grab a lot of them. Although the bank does not strictly stipulate that a credit card must be used frequently after it is purchased, but in general, using the card less will bring the following adverse effects:
1. It is not conducive to increasing the credit card limit. The bank will evaluate various factors of the cardholder (card usage and credit conditions) from time to time, and adjust the credit card limit based on the evaluation results. If the cardholder uses the card frequently, maintain a certain frequency of swiping the card and make repayments on time without overdue payment. Then this credit card will increase its limit very quickly. On the contrary, if the credit card is used less, it will affect the limit increase.
2. Reduce credit card limit. Infrequently using a credit card will drag down the overall score given by the bank. When the overall score is not high, the bank will feel that the consumption needs of the cardholder do not match the credit card. Instead of letting the cardholder occupy and waste the credit card limit, it is better to reduce the limit and take back the credit card limit and give it to those who need it more.
3. Unable to enjoy credit card rights. The difference between credit cards and debit cards is that they can provide cardholders with more credit card benefits and benefits. If you use the card less, you will naturally not be able to enjoy these exclusive benefits.