Suppose you have three credit cards. In order to realize mutual repayment of multiple credit cards, it is best to stagger the repayment dates of these three credit cards. For example, the repayment date of credit card A is set to 2nd of each month, the repayment date of credit card B is set to 17, and the repayment date of credit card C is set to 1.
A credit card arrives on the 2 nd, and it needs to repay 5000 yuan. Cardholders can use B credit card to withdraw 5000 yuan to repay A credit card; 17, B credit card needs to repay 5037.5 yuan plus interest, and the cardholder can withdraw 5037.5 yuan from C credit card to repay B credit card. In this way, cardholders can repay each other through several credit cards without using their own funds, which can ensure that several credit cards do not owe each other money and will not affect the revolving credit line.
However, according to this principle, although several credit cards can repay each other and realize capital turnover, the more times, the longer the turnover time and the more expensive the interest will be.
This repayment method and the way you borrow cash from your credit card in advance may only save the monthly compound interest, and the daily interest is actually accumulated day by day. Moreover, the general bank's credit card advance cash service is subject to a handling fee and there is a limit, so this operation is also complicated, so it is recommended not to adopt this method unless there is a special need for emergency capital turnover.