Through this strategy, you can pay off the money before the repayment date and avoid paying any interest. This is because paying off the money before the repayment date can make maximum use of the interest-free period to manage the credit card arrears.
Can I withdraw money from my credit card?
The money in the credit card can be withdrawn. Credit cards can be used not only for spending, but also for withdrawing the balance. When the credit card has overpayment, the user can swipe the card directly or choose to withdraw cash. At present, as long as the credit card withdrawal limit is not used up, users can withdraw the credit card limit. However, the withdrawal will generate a certain handling fee, and the user needs to pay the corresponding amount.
It should be noted that different banks may have different regulations on whether to charge a handling fee for withdrawing the overpaid part. Some banks may waive the handling fee, while others may charge a certain fee. Therefore, the specific provisions shall be subject to the issuing bank.