Credit cards have become more and more popular, and many young people have credit cards from different banks at the same time. Once you have a lot of credit cards, you will inevitably forget to manage different billing dates and repayment dates. Today we recommend several credit card managers to help you solve this problem.
Which Credit Card Manager is better?
51 Credit Card Manager
A leading credit card bill management tool in China, with clear accounts, multi-card management, and expiration reminders. In addition, 51 Credit Card Manager also supports a variety of repayment facilities, such as 51 Renpinbao, Alipay, etc., which is very convenient.
If you are a newbie, you can also take advantage of it: you can immediately enjoy up to 45 yuan in repayment funds and 30,000 yuan in financial funds.
However, some cardholders reported that it is not safe for 51 Credit Card Manager to only email bills. The system can obtain all private information in the user's mailbox. However, the official stated that it will not access private information and only import bills.
Kanniu Credit Card Manager
Kanniu is based on Suishouji and is a derivative product of it. Bills and the like can be directly imported into Suishouji for accounting, and imported Mailbox billing is smoother than 51 Credit Card Manager. Kaniu supports the automatic SMS accounting function of ***178 major mainstream banks, and daily bills are delivered instantly.
Wacai Credit Card Manager
It is the earliest personal accounting and financial management platform in China. It supports the management of credit card bills of multiple banks and can help users clearly present the details of multiple card bills and save money. Interest period, overdue reminder, overdue days, etc.
Dada Credit Card Manager
An APP with intelligent credit card management function, it can intelligently analyze credit card electronic statements and clearly present the credit card bill date and repayment date to users. Provide users with credit card repayment management services, so they don’t have to worry about overdue credit cards. More importantly, Dada Credit Card Manager is guaranteed by third-party payment cooperation, which is relatively safe.
The above are some of the relatively easy-to-use credit card managers. Whether they are useful or not ultimately depends on the user’s own experience, and the user has the final say.