Generally speaking, credit cards have annual fees. The annual fees for different cards are different, usually between 100 and 300 yuan. When using a credit card, if the number of card swipes does not reach the number of times that can reduce the annual fee, we still have to pay the annual fee. This amount will be deducted from the credit limit of the card. Please be sure to repay in time, otherwise it will be overdue.
1. Credit card annual fee, taking China Everbright Bank as an example, standard dual-currency credit card annual fee: the annual fee is waived for the first year for regular cards, and the annual fee for the next year is waived if the card is used 5 times in a year. The gold card has no annual fee in the first year, and if you spend RMB 10,000 in one year, the annual fee will be waived for the following year. Regular card: 100 yuan/year for the main card and 50 yuan/year for the supplementary card. Gold Card: RMB 200/year for the main card and RMB 100/year for the supplementary card.
2. If you are short of funds, a credit card can indeed help you solve your urgent needs. The annual fee charging standard is based on the type of credit card. Generally, ordinary cards are free of annual fees in the first year. I also use credit cards. For example, the gold card of Agricultural Bank of China is 160 yuan per year. You can also call the bank’s customer service to find out.
Benefits of credit cards
1. It is safer than cash
In the past, I had to bring a lot of cash with me every time I went out. Too safe and easy to lose. But after you have a credit card, it's different. Using your credit card directly when making purchases saves you the trouble of carrying cash and makes it less likely to be lost. Even if it is stolen or lost, you can report the loss as soon as possible, which is safer than carrying a large amount of cash with you.
2. There are often promotional activities
Many banks' credit cards will cooperate with merchants, and you will enjoy discounts or other benefits when you swipe the card. This is equivalent to helping you save money. If you use your credit card frequently, you can also accumulate points. You must know that credit card points still have many benefits. You can also redeem some daily small gifts or participate in some lottery activities.
3. Have a good personal credit record
Using your credit card regularly and paying back your bills on time without any overdue payments can increase your credit limit and improve your credit rating. In this way, if you want to apply for a loan to buy a house or a car in the future, it will become much easier, and the amount will be relatively higher than others.
4. Fund turnover difficulties can be alleviated in time
If we need to pay a large amount at one time, we may not be able to take out so much money at once. At this time, the role of credit card It can be used very well. Using a credit card to make purchases and pay in installments can relieve your financial pressure to a certain extent. Of course, you will need to pay a certain amount of interest when choosing installment payment, but this can avoid excessive financial pressure on you.
5. Although there are so many benefits of using a credit card, there are also things that need to be paid attention to. It’s best not to overdue your credit card and remember to repay it on time. Because credit card consumption and repayment records are recorded, if you often make late payments, you may be blacklisted by the bank. It will be more difficult for you to get a loan to buy a house or a car in the future.