2. If you want to cancel your account and don't want to continue using it, you'd better inform your credit card bank two months in advance, and first confirm whether your credit card has been loaned and phased, whether your credit card has been paid off in full, and whether your credit card has a remaining limit. If all of them are negative, then you can cancel, but you can't go to the front desk of the bank, because the front desk has no right to handle this business. You can directly call the customer service phone of your credit card and ask the customer service to cancel you directly. Remember to destroy your credit card after cancellation to prevent information from leaking.
3. Generally, the expiration date will be written on the credit card, and most of them have a term of three to five years. After you get the credit card, please confirm it first. When the deadline is approaching, you must pay off all the debts, otherwise it will affect your credit rating and adversely affect your other business in the future.