This kind of credit card actually has the same functions as the credit card applied for in the bank, but it is co-branded with an airline, which sounds more high-end. In fact, you will be pressed for repayment, and if you don't repay, your credit report will go up. Most credit cards beg you to spend money, and force you to repay if you owe money, so don't apply for it if you don't have special needs. Credit cards applied for at the airport generally have certain discounts. For example, when you use the credit card to make purchases while traveling, you can reduce some fees.
1. How to replace the bank card if it is lost
First of all, if your credit card is lost, you must bring your own valid ID before you can apply for a replacement credit card. Of course It is best to report the loss before applying for a replacement card. In the process of applying for a credit card, you need to come to the site in person, present your valid ID, and apply for a new credit card. The credit card number is completely different from the original card number, so some payment software solutions are also required. Binding and rebinding issues. During the card replacement process, any CITIC Bank can perform the card replacement operation. After the card is replaced, it will also be a co-branded credit card, and you can also enjoy the benefits of Eastern Airlines air tickets during travel.
2. Cancellation of CITIC Bank credit card can be done in the following two ways:
1. Cancellation via telephone customer service. You can use the phone number reserved by the bank to call CITIC Bank's 24-hour customer service hotline 95558 or the credit card customer service hotline 800-999-5558 to cancel your credit card. The customer service staff will handle the card cancellation procedure for you after verifying your personal information and account information. However, Be aware that voice-to-human service is required.
2. Cancellation of bank branches. You can bring your valid ID and the credit card you want to cancel, go directly to a CITIC Bank branch, and ask the staff at the counter to cancel it. If you have more questions, you can also consult the bank staff.
3. Pay attention to the following points when canceling a CITIC Bank credit card:
1. There must be no arrears and overpayments in the account when canceling the card, and in order to ensure the security of your account , the card must be with you when canceling the card over the phone.
2. If your CITIC Bank credit card is lost, you can only cancel the card at the branch counter.
3. If you want to know when the credit card cancellation is successful, you can call the bank's credit card customer service to inquire about 45 days after applying for cancellation, or you can directly swipe the card for testing.