Nowadays, more and more people use credit cards, and many people even hold multiple credit cards. Many people solve the problem of financial difficulties through credit cards, which also facilitates daily consumption. But because credit card consumption is not as substantial as paper money, even if a lot of money is spent, it is just a bunch of numbers for some cardholders, and there is no actual concept. As a result, it may cause some card friends with weak self-control to over-consume, or even completely ignore their own economic conditions. Once you wait until the repayment date, you will know that you have not paid the bill! In desperation, the repayment pressure can only be alleviated by raising the card with the card. However, raising a card with a card can't help you get rid of all the debts, and even make you really fall into the ranks of card slaves. If you want to get rid of the life of the slave, you must learn the method of self-help!
1. Controlling consumption desire In addition to the urgent need to use money to save the emergency, the main reason for not paying the arrears is excessive consumption. Therefore, in order to really get rid of the slave state, we must first find out the problem from the source. The most important thing is to control your consumption desire and consume reasonably. You know, the money owed to the credit card will eventually need to be paid back. According to their actual economic situation, re-plan their living expenses and control the overdraft limit to ensure that they are within the repayment ability.
second, make a repayment plan. if there are a large number of credit cards and many of them are in arrears, it is best to start with the least card. Whenever you get paid, you need to control it reasonably according to your arrears. No matter how much repayment you take out, you must pay back the card with the least debt first. Because if each card is paid back a little, it may take a long time, and finally all the cards are in arrears, or even none of them are paid back. This is also not conducive to the enthusiasm of debtors to repay. And when you pay off a card, you will feel that the repayment pressure is a little lighter, so that you have the motivation to repay. The next card will continue to repay in this way, and the repayment pressure will become smaller and smaller.
third, change consumption habits. In the case of large credit card arrears, it is best to use cash as much as possible. Because only when we pay in cash can we really feel the flowing state of spending money. Only by realizing this true sense of consumption can we have the consciousness of rational consumption. Fourth, reduce the number of credit cards. Usually, card slaves who owe more money will have a typical feature, that is, they hold too many credit cards. Because I want to repay the loan by keeping the card, I will rob Peter to pay Paul, resulting in an increasing number of credit cards. Too many credit cards are not only difficult to manage, but also easy to forget the repayment time and cause overdue. Therefore, credit cards must be cleaned up in time, and credit cards that are of little use to you should be cancelled in time, just two or three. Although credit cards can make you enjoy the convenience of spending in advance, swiping them doesn't mean you don't have to pay them back. Therefore, it is necessary to spend credit cards rationally. If you feel that your self-control is limited, you can do less cards. Don't be too pessimistic if you have become a credit card slave. As long as you know how to save yourself, you will turn over one day even if you become a slave.