This time 51 credit cards were investigated. Nowadays, there are many people taking cash loans. Credit card companies generally outsource this kind of collection business collectively, and some contractors will use various means to do so for the sake of profit. When pressed for repayment, some people commit suicide because they cannot bear the pressure.
Many police cars and police officers were parked under the May Day Credit Card building. Regarding the investigation of May Day Credit Card, an insider revealed that it was mainly aimed at the cash loan business of May Day Credit Card, because it involved When it comes to the collection of personal information involved in collections, there is also suspicion of gang involvement in violent collections. Now the May Day Credit Card is on the cusp of a storm. Some people say that the May Day Credit Card pretends to be a state agency to intimidate cash loan personnel and call for debt repayment. Now this news has caused a big sensation. If the May Day Credit Card cannot solve this problem well If solved, it may have a great impact on their future.
Many people are using 51 credit cards. For people with multiple credit cards, May Day credit cards are very useful, so now things like this happen with May Day credit cards, both for investors and practitioners. Generally speaking, it is not a good phenomenon. They do not want anything to happen to this platform. The main reason for this incident is that someone died due to violent collection of credit cards on May Day, but they don’t know exactly which business it is. There's a good chance the matter could lead to criminal liability.
In fact, the collection of huge profits in the loan industry is no longer a matter of a day or two. When it comes to the outsourcing of May Day credit card collection, some outsourcers will choose some unscrupulous methods driven by interests. Asking borrowers to repay the money as soon as possible. In this case, some borrowers cannot bear the pressure and choose to commit suicide.