1. Don’t be overdue: Keep in mind the credit card repayment date. Overdue repayment will incur high interest and late fees, and most importantly, will affect your personal credit record. Although some banks have time tolerance services, not all banks have time tolerance services. Once repayment is overdue, personal credit will be affected, which will directly affect future applications for home loans and car loans.
2. Do not apply for cash withdrawal or installment business unless there are special circumstances: repayment according to the minimum repayment amount, installment repayment, credit card cash withdrawal and other services will be charged, and handling fees, interest and other fees will be converted into actual The annual interest rate is very high, so it is not recommended to handle this type of charging business unless there are special circumstances.
3. Don’t deposit money into a credit card: If you feel that your limit is not enough, you can apply for a fixed limit or a temporary limit to increase your limit, but don’t deposit money into a credit card. Saving money will not generate interest. , there will be overflow deposit and cash withdrawal fees when you take it out, and you can only spend by swiping your card. Don't use your credit card as a debit card.
4. Don’t overdraft: If you can’t keep up with your financial capacity, but you often overdraft, the result of a sudden increase in consumption will be high repayment pressure, and you will be using next month’s money every month. If something happens and you don't have a penny with you, it can easily lead to overdue credit card payments.