When using a credit card, the cardholder must use the credit card normally in accordance with relevant regulations, and don't play any tricks. Modern bank credit cards have a history of several decades, and the cumulative circulation of global credit cards has reached several billion. Banks have long seen all kinds of tricks that ordinary people can think of. If the bank finds that the cardholder is playing tricks, the cardholder's credit limit will be seriously affected, which is generally not worth the candle.
In order to find those abnormal credit cards in time, the bank will adopt the following methods to monitor the credit cards:
(1) Online transaction monitoring. Banks will use computers to monitor credit card transactions. First of all, the bank will calculate a reference transaction weight for the cardholder according to the collected information of the credit card holder. After that, when the cardholder uses the credit card, the bank will compare it according to the reference weight. If the bank finds that the cardholder's consumption does not meet the reference weight, the bank will think that the credit card is abnormal.
(2) Comparative investigation of risk data. Many times, banks can't get the detailed information of credit card transactions in real time. Therefore, banks will compare and check the transaction data to make up for the lack of real-time monitoring. The whole process is to compare the accumulated transaction data and screen out the problematic credit card transaction records.