?02128283888 is the phone number of Bank of Communications Credit Card Center.
The name of the Bank of Communications phone number 95559 official account is: Bank of Communications phone number 95559. You can add the friend interface on WeChat, select the official account, and then search for "Bank of Communications phone number 95559" to find the Bank of Communications phone number 95559 public account. The name of the entity is: China Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Center.
In addition, in addition to the Bank of Communications phone number 95559, the editor recommends that you apply for several credit cards from other banks to keep on hand, which will be very helpful to increase your credit limit and can also be used at critical moments. Below With this official account, you can apply for credit cards from several banks online, which is very convenient.
Bank of Communications:
Founded in 1908, Bank of Communications is one of the oldest banks in China and one of the note-issuing banks in modern China. On April 1, 1987, the reorganized Bank of Communications officially opened for business and became China's first national state-owned joint-stock commercial bank, with its head office in Shanghai. Bank of Communications was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in June 2005 and on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in May 2007.
The business scope of Bank of Communications Group covers commercial banking, financial leasing, funds, wealth management, trust, insurance, overseas securities, debt-for-equity swaps and offshore finance. Its non-bank subsidiaries mainly include BoCom Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., BoCom Financial Assets Investment Co., Ltd., BoCom Wealth Management Co., Ltd., China BoCom Insurance Co., Ltd., and its holding subsidiaries BoCom Schroeder Fund Management Co., Ltd., BoCom Schroders Fund Management Co., Ltd. Bank International Trust Co., Ltd., BoCom Life Insurance Co., Ltd., and BoCom International Holdings Co., Ltd.