Generally when you call for credit reporting, you will be asked about credit card application information and other personal circumstances. So be sure to remember the application materials. It is best to make a copy and take it with you. If there are more important things that you can keep in mind, you can say hello to the company receptionist or friends in advance. The unit's landline phone number on the application form is generally the most frequently visited channel. Applicants need to greet the administrative staff at the front desk who answers the phone in advance. Be careful about the mailing address of the card. Try to send the credit card to the address of the company. This can prove that you are very stable in this company.
1. Search China Merchants Bank Credit Card Center on Baidu to enter the official credit card website.
2. Click I want to apply for a card on the left and select the type of credit card you want to apply for.
3. Fill in the basic information and detailed personal information.
4. China Merchants Bank will notify nearby personnel to go to the company to verify personal information, and then they need to stamp the official seal of the company to verify their identity.