About one month before the credit card expires, the card-issuing bank will send out a new card. The user will usually receive the new card before the old card expires. After receiving the new card, activate the new card, then The old card will be invalidated.
Specifically, if your credit card expires and can no longer be used, you can apply to the bank for card renewal. A credit card cannot be used when it expires. Usually the bank will send a notice to the cardholder to renew the card about two months before expiration. If the cardholder does not apply to terminate the card, the bank will default to agreeing to renew the card and will notify the cardholder when the card arrives. Have the new card prepared and mailed to the billing address one month before the due date. After getting the new card, the old card can be used until the expiration date, but if the new card is activated, it will become invalid immediately. The new card carries the accounting information of the old card. Except for the validity period and security code, the credit card number remains the same as before.