You can use a credit card to apply for a mortgage. You can continue to use your credit card while applying for a home loan, but you must maintain a good repayment record. If credit card repayments are overdue, your personal credit report will be affected. When applying for a mortgage loan, your credit report will be reviewed. Overdue records will have a negative impact on your loan application.
Personal housing loan application process
1. Need to provide consultation, accept applications, and pre-loan investigation
(1) Need to provide consulting managers to provide customers with Consulting services include: types of personal housing loans that have been opened, objects, conditions, amounts, terms, interest rates, repayment methods, etc.
(2) The borrower who needs to accept the application must fill in the "Personal Housing Loan Application Form of China Construction Bank Zhejiang Branch" as required to apply for a loan after consulting with China Construction Bank, and provide the following information: ID card, Proof of the mortgagor’s marital relationship (if you are single, you must provide valid proof, proof of the borrower’s income, purchase contract, down payment voucher, written proof of the guarantor’s agreement to guarantee and other relevant information required by China Construction Bank.
(3) After accepting the loan application, the pre-loan investigation manager is required to investigate the completeness, authenticity, validity and legality of the "Application Form" submitted by the loan applicant and the required information, and determine that it is suitable for the loan through the pre-loan investigation. Conditions, ready for approval
2. Loan approval required
(1) The handling bank’s credit personnel within the handling bank’s approval authority—the person in charge of the credit department—are responsible. Person
(2) Approval from an handling bank outside the handling bank's approval authority is required - report to the credit approval agency of the superior bank for approval. After investigation, the handling personnel shall submit the "China Construction Bank Personal Housing Loan Approval Form" Write down the situation and review opinions, and submit the loan approval form and approval materials to the person in charge of the credit department. The person in charge of the credit department signs the approval opinions on the approval form and submits it to the branch manager in charge to sign the approval opinions on the approval form. If the sub-branch has the approval authority, it will be submitted to the credit approval agency of the superior bank for approval after the sub-branch signs the approval opinion.
Note: There are two repayment methods for personal housing loans, that is, the total monthly principal plus interest is fixed in equal amounts. The principal and interest repayment method is the equal principal repayment method with the same monthly principal. Currently, banks often use the equal principal and interest repayment method because within the same borrowing period, the monthly repayment amount is fixed. It is easy to remember and the borrower has less initial repayment pressure.