Credit card swipes and limits are all very particular. This year, bank risk control is more stringent, so you need to be even more particular. In the past, commonly used merchants that allowed large amounts to be transferred, such as real estate, jewelry, home appliances, etc., were all included in the monitored merchants by banks. Therefore, if you want to transfer large amounts, it may not be so easy. It will be easy if you are not careful. Derated by bank risk control. So which merchant should you choose if you want to spend a large amount on your credit card?
Which merchant should you choose when spending large amounts with a credit card?
Although there are many merchants that are popular with banks, if you want to spend a reasonable amount, you must choose the right merchant. For example, if you spend 3,000 yuan in a supermarket, such a bill is unreasonable. Therefore, in terms of the current bank risk control situation, it is recommended that you choose entertainment venues, golf, beauty or women's cosmetics and other merchants with low prices. As long as these merchants do well, they will not only meet everyone's requirements for large amounts, but will also be helpful in increasing credit card limits.
In addition to choosing the right merchant, there are also the following points that need to be paid attention to, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted.
1. Card swiping time. Normally, Monday to Friday are normal working days, and the amount of money people spend when going out is not too large, so it is better to choose Saturday or Sunday, such a holiday, when spending large amounts. In addition, the card swiping time must also comply with the merchant's normal business hours. For example, if you purchase cosmetics worth several thousand yuan in the early morning, normally the cosmetics store in this store is closed.
2. Number of credit card swipes. Try not to have only large purchases in your bill. It’s perfectly okay to pay once or twice every now and then. But in today's situation where risk control is so strict, it is necessary to use daily small amounts together, and try not to exceed the usual credit card consumption limit. For example, if you usually only use a few dozen or one or two hundred, but suddenly you spend a large amount, If the amount is tens of thousands, it will naturally attract the attention of the bank.
3. Credit card limit. Although the bank has given you such a large limit, you can use it for everyone, but do not use it all at once. This is a sensitive area for the bank. No matter which bank it is, it doesn't like customers to empty their credit cards in one go. Therefore, everyone should try to control the large amount they spend, and they can do it in batches if necessary.
In short, if the credit card is used well, the limit can be increased. If the credit card is not used well, the bank will reduce the limit and block the card. Therefore, everyone must pay attention to their daily credit card consumption to avoid being targeted by banks.