Friends who have experience in using credit cards know very well that after using a credit card, you must repay it every month. Many friends have different repayment methods. Some people will pay it in multiple installments when it is due. Some people will repay money in one lump sum, so is it better to repay a credit card in multiple lump sums or in one lump sum? Let’s find out together below.
Is it better to make multiple credit card payments or one payment?
For banks, as long as the cardholder pays off the balance before maturity, it doesn’t matter which repayment method is chosen, after all, it will not be overdue. But from the cardholder's point of view, it would be better to pay it off in one lump sum. Compared with multiple repayments, one lump sum payment has many advantages.
1. Cardholders who can pay off their cards in one lump sum usually have good repayment abilities, are easier to get recognized by banks, and can effectively avoid overdue payments. Because multiple repayments are recorded in the account one after another without interruption, one is that it is easy for the bank to think that the repayment ability is insufficient, and the other is that the time of each repayment is different and there is a great risk of overdue.
2. Once the credit card is paid off in one lump sum, it will be paid off. If you swipe the card later, it will be included in the next period's bill, and it is easy to keep accounts. Multiple repayments are sometimes made while paying off. It is easy to confuse the repayment amount and not know how much has been paid. In addition, many people make out the money as soon as they pay it in. It is easy to trigger bank risk control and reduce the risk. Risk of card blocking.