After the credit card repayment is overdue, first of all, you should pay off the money as soon as possible (one-time payment will increase the probability of lifting the ban), call the bank credit card center to apply for opening after paying off, and then wait for the credit card center to approve.
If the credit card is deactivated, the consequences are as follows:
First, if it is overdue for a long time, the bank will call you to urge you to repay. If you still don't repay the loan, the bank has the right to sue the court, and it will be difficult to deal with it if you sue.
Second, overdue credit cards affect credit records, and credit stains will be recorded in the credit information system. If you want to handle other bank loans and credit card business, the bank will check the credit report. If there is a record of non-repayment, the bank will generally not accept the application.
Therefore, it is correct to find a way to pay off the arrears, stop the card, and then accumulate a good credit record of credit card swiping and repayment in about 2 years, and cover up the original bad record with good records.
Note: If the credit card repayment is overdue for more than 90 days, the possibility of lifting the ban is very small.