If the credit card limit of Baoshang Bank is insufficient and you only need to make large purchases occasionally, you can call the customer service number of Baoshang Bank Credit Card Center to apply for a temporary increase in the credit card limit. The method is simple, as long as there are no overdue repayments or other defaults recently. Records can generally be applied for, but it should be noted that the temporary credit limit is generally valid for 45 days, and will automatically revert to the credit limit before adjustment after the validity period expires.
When the credit card limit of Baoshang Bank is insufficient, if it happens frequently, you can apply to the Baoshang Bank Credit Card Center to increase the fixed limit of the credit card, and Baoshang Bank will increase the credit limit based on the recent card usage and related economic conditions. For approval, if other property certification materials can be provided, it will be helpful to apply for a quota increase.
If your application for a fixed limit credit card from Baoshang Bank is not approved, you can also apply for an additional credit card from another bank. The combined limit of these two credit cards is equivalent to an increase in the limit.