If you cannot apply online, your credit will be damaged. If you don't have a credit card, don't apply. It is basically impossible to get a card, and there will be a rejected credit record. You can only apply for a credit card online. Secondly, it is very inconvenient for you to return your business in the future.
1. After entering official website of China Guangfa Bank, select "Credit Card Application" under "Credit Card" in the main menu bar. Click to enter. 、
2. At this time, in the product page introduction of credit card, individuals should choose the corresponding credit card according to their actual situation. Note that you must carefully consider what credit card you need to apply for. If you are not clear, you can ask your colleagues and friends who have handled the credit card of Guangfa Bank, or consult the official directly.
3. Enter the standard credit card application interface. Whether you are willing to accept the issuance of ordinary cards depends on your actual needs.
The next step is to fill in the specific information, especially the phone number and address.
5. This step must also be filled in, that is, some specific information about you, as well as telephone numbers and emergency contact information of relatives, company information, etc. In short, be specific.
6. Just submit the application.