Credit card consumption is a method of monetary transaction payment. Cash settlement is not required during the transaction, and repayment will be carried out on the credit card billing date (BillingDate).
Credit cards are divided into credit cards and quasi-credit cards. Credit cards refer to credit cards where the cardholder has a fixed credit limit and can make transactions within the credit limit and then repay; quasi-credit cards It refers to a quasi-credit card in which the card user deposits a fixed amount of reserve fund as required. When the balance of the reserve fund is insufficient for payment, the card can be used to make overdraft within the required credit limit. When we say credit card, we usually just mean credit card.
What should I do if my credit card is not paid?
1. Loan repayment from relatives and friends: If you only encounter working capital problems, you can temporarily settle the loan through a loan; 2. Delay repayment to a financial institution; 3. Apply for interest-free installments from the bank ; 4. Negotiate with financial institutions to obtain exemption or reduction of repayment amount. If you refuse mediation, you can sue the guarantor and obtain exemption from personal debts by the judicial department.
Purpose of credit card
Credit cards can provide card users with credit certificates, and card users can use the card to provide services, transactions or enjoy special services. A credit card, also called a credit card, is a credit certificate issued by a bank or credit card company to customers who meet personal credit standards. Its type is a credit card with the name of the issuing bank, expiry date, number, card user name and other information printed on the reverse side, and a magnetic stripe card and signature strip credit card on the reverse side.