1. Consider your repayment ability: Before you decide to apply for a credit card, you should fully consider your repayment ability. You can write down your current income and household expenses, and you can get a general idea of how much credit card spending you can repay.
2. Choose a credit card: Find a credit card that matches your income and expenses. It's best to choose some banks that can provide activities such as bill installment to ensure that you have the ability to repay your bills.
3. Be familiar with the credit card regulations: Before handling a credit card, you should carefully read the instructions on the credit card registration form, pay special attention to the terms such as fixed interest and annual fee, and ensure that you really understand the possible burden in the process of handling the card.
4. Control card use behavior: remember that the purpose of handling credit cards is to meet daily needs, not shopping consumption. Control your card use behavior while spending, and check your bills regularly to ensure that you can repay on time.