If the credit card score is insufficient and you are unable to enjoy the installment payment benefits, you can take the following measures to improve the situation:
1. Increase the frequency of credit card use: Cardholders can use it as frequently as possible Credit cards, increase the number of transactions. Afterwards, apply to the bank for a credit limit increase to qualify for installment payments.
2. Maintain a good repayment record: If the cardholder has paid the minimum repayment amount in the past, the overall credit score may not be too high. Therefore, cardholders should repay their loans in full and regularly, establish a long-term good repayment record, and improve their overall credit score to be eligible to apply for installment payments.
3. Contact the credit card issuing bank: Cardholders can call the customer service hotline provided by the credit card issuing bank to inquire about the specific details of installment payment. Customer service staff will explain the installment policy to cardholders and inform them whether and how to meet the installment conditions.
Additionally, cardholders can also explore other viable installment payment options.
What should I do if my credit card cannot be paid in installments?
1. Borrow money and repay: Users can try to borrow money from relatives and friends and pay off the credit card debt first. Once you have enough funds, pay back the debt to your relatives and friends. This can solve the current repayment pressure and avoid more overdue fees.
2. Minimum repayment: If installment payment is not available, minimum repayment is a feasible option. Users only need to pay the minimum payment on the bill due, which is usually 10% of the total bill. For example, if the user should repay RMB 10,000, he only needs to pay RMB 1,000 after using the minimum repayment. This can alleviate the current repayment pressure, but it should be noted that users still need to pay corresponding interest.