Not only can you spend money in advance when you apply for a credit card, but credit card points are also very useful. You can also stay in a hotel for free with a credit card, so how can you stay in a hotel for free with a credit card?
there are several ways to use a credit card to stay in a hotel for free.
first, you can stay in a free hotel if you give away your credit card rights, such as Pudong Super White, and you can redeem your stay in a four-night star hotel or a two-night high-class hotel for free every year, and you don't need points. The coverage of the hotel is both at home and abroad.
second, redemption of points. Credit card points can be exchanged for many things, such as Pufa AE White or IHG co-branded cards can be exchanged for rooms, and holiday hotels or express hotels can stay for free. ICBC's wehotel credit card can also use points to change rooms.
thirdly, credit card points are exchanged for hotel points. Points can be converted into hotel points in proportion, such as China Merchants Bank AE White, Minsheng Black Card and ICBC Black Card.
the fourth is to spend a few nights with a credit card. I've seen a lot of this, living three pays two, living four pays two.