Credit cards are issued by commercial banks to individuals and organizations. They can be used to shop and consume with special organizations and deposit and withdraw cash from banks. They are special carrier cards with consumer credit. They are in the form of a card with the card issuing number printed on the front. Cards with bank name, validity period, number, cardholder name, etc., and a magnetic stripe and signature strip on the back. Credit cards are divided into two types: credit cards and quasi-credit cards based on whether a reserve fund is deposited with the card-issuing bank. A credit card is a certain credit limit given by the card-issuing bank to the cardholder. The cardholder can spend within the credit limit first and then Credit card repayment. A quasi-credit card is a credit card that requires a certain amount of reserve deposit to be deposited first as required by the card-issuing bank. What we call credit cards now generally refers to credit cards only.
The most popular way to put it is: when your shopping needs exceed your ability to pay, you can borrow money from the bank. A credit card is a certificate that the bank agrees to lend you money based on your integrity. The credit card will tell you how much you can borrow from the bank and when you will pay it back. The credit card will also record your personal information and consumption details in order to provide you with comprehensive financial services.