1. All credit cards should have a minimum repayment amount. Pay that back first, and the bank will not take legal action against you, nor will it affect your future credit! ! Don't take any chances. The easiest way is to borrow some from your friends and relatives. If there are not many friends who can borrow some, ask the boss to take your salary first and supply it to the bank first. But personally, Bian Xiao thinks it's better not to let the boss return the credit card first, which will have a bad influence in front of the boss and may affect his future promotion and development. 3. Summarize the credit card consumption by yourself every month and control the expenditure reasonably. For example, how much was spent and where it was spent. Finally, I have my own impression when I return my credit card. In order to repay the credit card, take out all the ways to make money and return it to the bank as soon as possible. The way to make money here refers to the way from formal channels. Never do anything illegal to return the credit card, which will bring more harm to yourself. Nobody really borrows it. If there are multiple credit cards, you can take another credit card for emergency, and then return the money to the credit card that is in urgent need of repayment for a turnover. But remember, after repayment, you must make up the bill of the removed money quickly to avoid the cycle of overdue repayment.
What if the credit card is unable to repay?
If the credit card has no money to repay temporarily, you can postpone the repayment or apply to the bank for the minimum repayment amount. If the overdraft amount reaches 1000 yuan or more, and it is still not returned for more than 3 months after the issuing bank has made two reminders, it constitutes a credit card++crime, and criminal responsibility shall be investigated. If all overdraft interest has been repaid before the public security organ files a case, and the circumstances are obviously minor, criminal responsibility may not be investigated according to law. Those who still refuse to execute the++judgment are suspected of refusing to execute the judgment or ruling.
Interpretation of Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases of Impairment of Credit Card Management Article 6 If a cardholder overdraws beyond the prescribed limit or time limit for the purpose of illegal possession and fails to return it for more than three months after repeated collection by the issuing bank, it shall be deemed as "malicious overdraft" as stipulated in Article 196 of the Criminal Law. In any of the following circumstances, it shall be deemed as "for the purpose of illegal possession" as stipulated in the second paragraph of Article 196 of the Criminal Law: (1) knowing that there is no repayment ability and the overdraft amount is too large to be returned; (two) wantonly squandering overdraft funds, unable to return; (3) Escaping after overdraft, changing contact information and avoiding bank collection; (4) Evading or transferring funds, concealing property and evading repayment; (5)
What if I have no money to pay back my credit card?
The processing method of credit card without money is as follows:
1. Use the minimum repayment function. Every bank will have a minimum repayment function. As long as the minimum repayment amount is paid, the bank will not charge late fees and will not affect personal credit. But the minimum is to charge interest, five ten thousandths of interest every day, so you only need to pay the minimum. Although the pressure will be reduced, it will generate compound interest, which will be more troublesome and can only be used for temporary relief.
2. Use the segmentation function. If there is pressure on repayment, you can directly apply for bill installment. General banks provide the total energy of three, six, nine, 12, 18 and 24 periods. You can choose the number of periods according to your repayment ability, which can relieve the repayment pressure without affecting your credit.
3. Change the bill date to extend the repayment period. The billing time can't be changed casually. Generally speaking, it can only be changed once every six months. Some banks change it once a year, while others can only change it once.
4. Actively negotiate with the bank to explain the situation. If you really can't get up for a while because of special circumstances such as work, you can take the initiative to call the bank and explain the reason, which proves that it is not malicious and there is a reason. Discuss whether you can delay repayment. Don't ignore the bank just because you changed your phone, so your personal credit will be lost unless you don't deal with the bank in the future.
The principle of++sentencing for the crime of stealing credit cards is as follows:
1. Sentencing should be based on facts, take the law as the criterion, and decide the punishment according to the facts of the crime, the nature and circumstances of the crime and the degree of harm to society.
2. Sentencing should not only consider the severity of the crime committed by the defendant, but also consider the criminal responsibility of the defendant, so as to achieve the purpose of punishment and crime prevention.
3, sentencing should implement the criminal policy of combining leniency with severity, so that the leniency is lenient and the strictness is strict, and the combination of leniency and severity is used to punish crimes, ensuring the unity of the legal effect and social effect of the judgment.
4. Sentencing should objectively and comprehensively grasp the changes of economic and social development and public security situation in different periods and regions to ensure the realization of various tasks of criminal law; For similar or similar cases in the same area and at the same time, the penalties imposed should be basically balanced.
So much for the introduction of how to pay back the credit card without money.