Please don't put all your bank cards in the same wallet when you go out. In some restaurants and other public places, put the wallet with credit card in your coat pocket, not in the car or cupboard, but with you. Once lost, it will be disastrous.
For credit cards that are not used for the time being, put them in locked drawers or cabinets, and don't throw them away at will, so as not to cause others to be greedy for a while and then steal them. You should also take the responsibility of not letting them take risks at their own risk.
In order to prevent others from losing your bank card, it is recommended that you store your bank card, personal password and ID card separately. Never show off your credit card everywhere, let alone tell others your card number and expiration date, so as not to be used by people with ulterior motives. Please don't lend your card to others, otherwise it will easily lead to the deduction of bank card fees, suspension of payment and financial losses, and even lead to debt disputes.
In addition, please copy the card number and the service hotline number of the issuing bank separately and keep them properly to avoid accidents, and contact the issuing bank as soon as possible to avoid losses.