1. Use installment or minimum repayment
If you really can’t pay off your credit card, or you can’t pay off your credit card in the short term, you can consider credit card installment; you can choose according to your situation Installment time, such as 3rd, 9th, 12th, 18th and 24th periods. But there will be a handling fee; although this method requires paying a certain amount of interest to the bank, it also avoids credit stains caused by overdue payments. There is also a minimum repayment. Every bank's credit card has a minimum repayment. If you don't have enough to repay, you can apply for a minimum repayment. This will not affect your credit score, but interest will definitely accrue.
2. Use the delay tolerance service provided by the bank
If it is just an occasional payment and the money is one or two days short of repayment, then you can take advantage of the bank's extension For repayment services, most banks now have one to three days deferred repayment service. As for the specific one day or three days, each bank is different. You have to call the bank customer service to know.
3. You can use changing the bill date to postpone repayment
If you budget that the credit card may not be able to repay the money in time, you can apply to the bank to change the bill before the bill comes out. day. For example, if the billing date is the 10th, and you find out before the 5th that you may not be able to repay the loan due to some reason, you can immediately call the credit card customer service and apply to change the billing date to the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th. In this way, there will be no bills issued this month. , the bill will be issued on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of next month, which will delay our repayment for one month. However, this change bill date only occurs once or twice a year, so use it with caution. The specific number of times depends on the specific regulations of each bank.