If you lose your credit card and forget your card number and password, you can inquire through the customer service phone number of the bank's credit card center. The customer service phone inquiry process of each bank's credit card center is slightly different, but it is roughly as follows:
1. Call the bank credit card center Customer service hotline of the center (required to dial using a credit card reserved phone number);
2. Listen carefully and ask for a card number or ID number, then enter the ID number;
3. Transfer to manual service and inform customer service of your requirements. At this time, customer service will verify the identity;
4. After the identity verification is passed, the balance will be informed.
5. Secondly, you can also bring your valid documents to any branch of the bank to inquire, modify and reset your password.
Hello, a credit card may have multiple passwords, including inquiry passwords and transaction passwords. Some banks also have special online banking login passwords, online banking payment passwords, telephone banking passwords, and mobile phone passwords. Bank passwords, etc., different types of passwords have different methods of retrieval after they are lost:
What to do if you forget your credit card password
1. If you accidentally forget to check the password, the cardholder can Call the 24-hour customer service hotline shown on the back of the credit card and verify the inquiry password after entering the card number. Follow the prompts to reset the inquiry password. The inquiry password will take effect immediately after the setting is completed.
2. If the transaction password is forgotten, the cardholder can also call the 24-hour customer service hotline shown on the back of the credit card to apply for resetting the transaction password, or call manual service to request to reset the transaction password and reset it. It will take effect immediately after setting.
3. If you forget your online banking login password or online payment password, you can reset the login password on the online banking login page; after logging in to online banking, select "Online Payment" in the "Online Payment Management" menu to modify it. password.
Credit card cancellation methods
1. Bank outlets
Bring your valid personal ID and credit card to the counter of any card-issuing bank outlet to complete the cancellation procedures.
2. Customer service phone number
Use the phone number reserved by the bank to call the card-issuing bank's customer service hotline directly, transfer to manual service, verify personal identity and apply to cancel the credit card.
Note that before canceling a credit card, make sure there is no outstanding balance on the card, especially hidden annual fees, interest, handling fees, etc. In addition, the cardholder must cut off the card’s magnetic strip as soon as possible after cancellation. To prevent others from stealing.