It is recommended to repay the loan in full as required by the bank, otherwise it will affect your personal credit record. If your credit record is bad, it is recommended to use the following four methods to remedy the situation:
1. It is best to continue to use this card
After it expires, the best way is to continue to use this card The card will overwrite the original negative record with a new normal repayment record. Generally, a new credit record will be generated after 24 months, so that personal credit, etc. will not be affected after the record is refreshed.
2. Don’t run away
If you are overdue for a long time, your credit card will earn compound interest and there will be high late payment fees. If you run away, the bank will consider it a malicious overdraft and will call the police.
3. If you are unable to repay, you must explain in time
If you are unable to repay on time due to unemployment or illness, state your financial situation before the final repayment deadline and declare that you are not malicious. If you owe money, you can apply for delayed repayment and interest discounts.
4. It is best to repay in full and explain
If you forget to repay due to usual carelessness, you must repay in full as soon as possible after discovering that it is overdue, preferably in full. , because after full repayment, you have the best chance of winning if you call the bank to explain that the debt is not malicious and request to eliminate the overdue record.
In addition, cardholders need to pay attention to their own card usage habits and use cards reasonably and compliantly:
1) Apply for credit cards through formal channels. Be aware of the treaty.
2) Repay the credit card overdraft limit on time. Once it is overdue, the interest and penalty interest incurred are often huge, even several times higher than the principal.
3) Never use a credit card to overdraft maliciously, otherwise it will violate the criminal law and constitute a crime.
4) Once the use of a credit card is stopped, cancellation procedures should be completed in time, otherwise annual fees, etc. will continue to be incurred, which will lead to the creation of bad records in the personal credit system.