Secondly, if you have personal online banking, you can log in to personal online banking to repay directly.
In addition, commonly used third-party payment tools can still be used for repayment. If you have had the experience of repayment by a third-party payment instrument before, you usually have a credit card. You don't need to enter the credit card number when you repay, you can repay directly according to the tips of the third-party payment instrument.
Finally, I remind you that you must take good care of your credit card, which will save a lot of things.
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Hello, you can repay directly through Alipay. If the repayment is not made on time before the repayment date, it is overdue and you need to pay a late fee. Bring bad records. If your credit card has a bad record, it will affect your application for loans and credit cards in the future and will be rejected by the bank.