Hello. The card will not be blocked if you repay the money on your behalf, it will only be blocked because you cashed out after you paid it back on your behalf. (So ??the best way to prevent your card from being blocked is to make normal card purchases. From the bank's point of view, it is illegal, so try not to fall into it.)
Abnormal credit card purchases include the following There are several types. Note that banks generally do not block cards:
First: The credit card has never been used, and suddenly there is a large or full amount of credit card consumption.
Second: For example, the place where the credit card is used has always been in Guangdong, and suddenly a large amount of money is spent in other places.
Third: It’s almost that time every month when large purchases occur.
Fourth: Spend a large amount at a wholesale merchant, and the amount is an integer, etc. Anyway, think about it for yourself. Factors such as emotionlessness and luck require you to do a risky multiple-choice question: This Are people cashing out? Then you know what to expect.