After your credit card is overdue, the bank will remind you in the following ways:
1. Call you: Telephone reminders are mainly for overdue items that are more than 30 days and more than one billing period. Behavior.
2. Arrange staff to come to remind you: This method is mainly for customers who have not repaid the money overdue for more than 90 days. The bank will arrange collection personnel to visit the cardholder’s residence or work address to collect the payment.
3. Sue in court: Mainly for cases that are overdue for more than six months, the bank will apply to the court to require the cardholder to repay the loan.
4. To outsourcing companies: Mainly for customers who have been overdue for more than one year, the bank will package the overdue funds, then give discounts to the outsourcing company, and entrust the outsourcing company to make reminders.
Tip: When using a credit card for consumption, you must repay it on time. Otherwise, not only will the bank default, but it will also affect your credit. In serious cases, you will not be able to get a loan to buy a house or a car. You may even be involved in a lawsuit, and the impact on your credit report will be very large. The impact on your personal credit report may affect your future job hunting.