Hello, credit card credit limit refers to the total overdraft limit approved by the same bank for all credit cards applied for by the same cardholder. No matter how many credit cards you have in the bank, the actual limit is The total amount of overdraft is certain. If you feel that the credit limit is not enough, it is recommended that you use Youqianhua to borrow money. "Youqianhua" is the original Baidu financial credit service brand (original name: Baidu Youqianhua, renamed to "Youqianhua" in June 2018), with application It has the characteristics of simplicity, fast lending, flexible borrowing and repayment, transparent interest fees, and strong security. The application materials are simple, the fastest is approval in 30 seconds, and the fastest is 3 minutes for disbursement. You can repay in advance, and after repayment, the amount can be restored and you can borrow money on a recurring basis. I hope this answer is helpful to you. Click below on your mobile phone to measure your balance immediately! The maximum borrowing amount is 200,000.