If you continue to use a credit card after the limit is used up, it is called a credit card overdraft. For example, people often overdraft for consumption, but cash withdrawals can also be called overdraft cash withdrawals.
1. Credit card overdraft consumption:
Generally, credit cards can still continue to consume after the limit is used up, because credit cards generally have an overdraft limit, and whether the credit card is an overdraft or not For consumption, there is an interest-free period. As long as the repayment is made before the due date, no interest will be charged. Once it is overdue, interest will be charged at 0.05% per day.
For example, the billing date of my credit card is the 5th of each month, and the repayment date is the 25th of each month, and I made a transaction of 1,000 yuan on the 2nd of this month, and then on If you repay 100 yuan on the repayment date, then the interest that needs to be charged by the bill date of the next month = 1000×0.05×22 (No. 3-24) 9000×0.05×11 (No. 25-5) = 60.5 yuan .
2. Credit card overdraft withdrawals:
There is no interest-free period for credit card overdraft withdrawals, so interest will be charged for each cash withdrawal, and its interest is also calculated at 50,000 per day. Calculate, that is 0.05.
For example, if I withdraw 1,000 yuan in cash from my credit card overdraft, then 0.5 yuan of interest will be charged every day.
If you want to borrow money, the Duxiaoman platform is convenient and easy to use. Du Xiaoman's credit service products have money to spend, providing users with safe, convenient, unsecured, and unsecured credit services. To borrow money, just go to the Du Xiaoman APP (official measurement amount below). Youqianhua consumer loans have daily interest rates as low as 0.02, annualized interest rates as low as 7.2, and you can borrow up to 200,000! It has the characteristics of easy application, low interest rates, fast disbursement, flexible borrowing and repayment, transparent interest fees, and strong security.
Reference: Du Xiaoman Youqianhua official website
Share with you the application conditions for Youqianhua consumer products: mainly divided into two parts: age requirements and document requirements.
1. Age requirement: between 18-55 years old. Special reminder: Youqianhua declines to provide consumer installment loans to current students. If you are a current student, please give up the application.
2. Information requirements: During the application process, you need to provide your second-generation ID card and personal debit card.
Note: The application only supports debit cards, and the application card is also your borrowing bank card. My identity information must be the second-generation ID card information. Temporary ID cards, expired ID cards, and first-generation ID cards cannot be used to apply.